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Blog Short #200: How to Keep Negative Thoughts From Taking Over Your Mood

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

Imagine this scenario: You give a speech to the whole staff at work, and it goes really well except for one moment when you fumble over your words, but you recover nicely.

What’s your takeaway?

I’m betting you’ll replay that word fumble over and over in your mind even though you did well and got great feedback from the staff.

Why is that?

There’s an excellent reason, and fortunately, there’s something you can do about it.

Let’s start with why it happens.

Why do negative thoughts have so much power?

It’s simple. You have a natural negativity bias built into your brain that keeps you primed to scan the environment for possible harm or danger.

If you think about the news for a moment, you’ll note that most news stories are negative and aim to instigate fear, worry, or anger.

These stories are energizing because they trigger your emotional brain to react and narrow your focus.

Newswriters and advertisers make use of your negativity bias to get and keep your attention.

The same happened to you in our example: Instead of focusing on the overall success of your talk, you ruminated more about what went wrong and exaggerated its significance.

This is how your negativity bias works.

As you go about your day, your mind will naturally lean toward the negative, especially when you aren’t intentionally focusing on something.

With that as our backdrop, let’s move on to strategies to manage your negativity bias.

Things You Can Do to Stop the Deluge

Watch and Allow

The first strategy is to “mindfully” watch the flow of thoughts that arise over the day without suppressing or reacting to them.

Mindfulness means observing from a distance without reacting or judging. A thought comes up, you observe it without reacting to it, and let it fade out.

It is challenging initially, but you get better at it with more practice. Mindfulness helps you separate yourself from your thoughts and feelings so you can observe them and decide how to use and react to them.

The key is to allow everything to come up so you can review it before deciding whether to take action, change your perspective, or let it go. Sometimes, you simply watch the flow and do nothing.


Negative thoughts and emotions tend to be more distorted than positive ones, although it can happen in both cases.

Watching your thoughts as they arise helps you notice:

  1. Repetitive negative thought patterns.
  2. The degree to which you ruminate about things without taking action to resolve them.
  3. How often your perceptions are distorted and narrow.

Watching gives you a wider picture of what’s going on in your mind. It allows you to see where your thinking is distorted, causing more distress than necessary.

Repetitive thinking is powerful, and the more distorted your thoughts are, the more adversely they affect your mood and state of mind.

Spend time pulling out your distorted thought patterns and correct them to reflect what’s accurate.

I’ve found it helps to make a habit of questioning my thoughts regularly, especially when they carry a lot of weight.


This strategy is a lesson in how to build positive capital.

Because of your negativity bias, you’ll naturally lean toward building a larger store of negative thoughts and experiences than positive ones.

The goal is to expand your positive space and build it out to create a better balance between the two.

That doesn’t mean replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It means increasing your notice, remembrance, and attention to positive experiences.

Rick Hanson, who wrote the book Resilient, calls these experiences “jewels,” which is an apt description. He likens the recognition of jewels to observing life as a mosaic.

He says,

This is not positive thinking. It’s realistic thinking: seeing the whole mosaic of the world around you and the complexity of your experience, despite the brain’s tendencies to fixate on a handful of bad tiles in that mosaic while overlooking the jewel-like good ones.

His strategy is to notice or create beneficial experiences and then absorb them to build positive capital. He uses the acronym HEAL, which stands for Activate, Enrich, Absorb, and Link.

I won’t go through them in great length, but I’ll give you a quick sketch. The full explanation is in Chapter 3 of Resilient.

1. Activate:

You begin by noticing or creating a positive experience.

It can be as simple as taking a five-minute break from work and sitting with a cup of coffee or going out to dinner with a friend.

For me, it would be a quick walk outside or daydreaming for ten minutes about something pleasant.

You can also notice what Hanson calls “good facts.” These are things like values, character strengths, talents, and time you’ve given to others.

These are internal positives that you sometimes take for granted. Notice them.

The goal of this step is to become skilled at noticing any event or characteristic, small or large, that gives you a sense of pleasure or well-being, happiness, joy, and contentment.

2. Enrich:

Once you’ve honed in on an experience or good fact, stay with it long enough to internalize it. Focus and allow your brain to acknowledge it, creating new neuron paths in the process.

Hanson suggests “turning up the volume” by enjoying and being excited about it as you acknowledge it. Embody it and let it bleed out into other positive remembrances and feelings. What is its value to you?

This process doesn’t need to be lengthy—a few minutes will suffice.

Often, as you get in the mindset of appreciating the experience you started with, your mind associates it with similar ones that mirror or heighten it.

Just as negativity is contagious, positivity is too.

3. Absorb:

Absorbing is a conscious acceptance of the experience and allowing it to take up some space in your positive warehouse.

You intentionally receive it and let it sink in so that it’s not just a fleeting experience but part of your positive inventory, which you can draw on to balance the positive and negative. Your brain encodes it into long-term memory.

4. Linking:

Linking is an optional step in the process and more complicated, so I won’t address it here.

It involves linking your positive experiences with painful experiences or psychological material to help alleviate them.

I encourage you to read Resilient to learn more about this step.

For our purposes, the overall point is to acclimate and automate your mind so that you notice what’s positive both within and around you as much as or more than what’s negative.

It’s a matter of intentionally shifting your attention to the broader Kaleidoscope of experience so that you don’t operate with skewed perceptions, especially those that promote fear and negativity.


Replace rumination with action when possible. If you’re absorbed daily with situations or circumstances that create negativity, you have several choices:

  1. Change the circumstances if you can.
  2. Accept them, decide what value you can derive from them, and then pursue that. In other words, look for silver linings.
  3. Practice building positive capital while looking for ways to improve the situation.

Doing nothing (or chronic ruminating) can only make things worse and sink you into a deeper negative hole.

Use negative experiences to create something good. This may be learning something valuable, strengthening your determination, or building your character.

Sometimes, it’s being patient until circumstances change, but seeing what you can do with the time while you’re waiting will uplift you.

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Blog Short #199: Why Venting Isn’t Good For You and What to Do Instead

Photo by Elijah Potter on Unsplash

The question for today is: Is venting good for you? And if so, under what circumstances?

Let me ask you this to get us started.

Have you ever heard of “primal scream” therapy? It was popular during the 1970s and was used as a means of releasing intense emotions.

Along with primal scream, other similar therapies arose, all intended to help people “get their emotions out.” Using punching bags, encounter groups, and Gestalt Therapy were all part of these popular strategies.

But did they help?

Maybe in some respects. It was good to recognize that emotional suppression isn’t healthy. But just “getting your emotions out” isn’t always helpful, and this is where venting comes into play.

Done correctly, it can be useful, but ongoing venting and its cousin rumination are not helpful and can be harmful.

Fortunately, science has intervened and revealed what not to do, along with some ideas of what does work.

Let’s tackle it. We’ll start with what happens in your body when you get angry.

What Happens When You Get Angry

Besides the mood shift that occurs, your body also revs up for a fight-or-flight response because your brain sounds an alarm that danger is imminent.

There are two surges of energy. One is short-term and lasts long enough for you to assess the situation.

The second is longer-lasting and leaves your body and nervous system in a state of arousal and tension that can last for hours or even days. It keeps your emotional brain alert in case you need to defend yourself or act.

In other words, when you’re triggered by something, either in the environment or from your thoughts, and get angry, your body readies itself to defend, but that readiness lingers for some time after the offending incident occurs. That’s the catch.

Then, if something else happens that irritates you while your body’s still aroused, you’re likely to become angry more easily.

For example, if you argued with a co-worker at work and then came home to your kids bickering with each other, you might fly off the handle and yell at them with intensity, which you normally wouldn’t do.

Anger builds on anger.

The more incidences you encounter that result in anger, and the more you vent and ruminate about them, the more aroused you become and the longer you stay in a state of tension, even if it’s somewhat under the surface.

Instead of needing a box of matches and some kindling wood to start the fire, you now need a mere spark.

The Venting Fallacy

Simply “getting your feelings out” by venting doesn’t cool you down. It heightens your anger.

There is a helpful way to do it, which I’ll explain in a minute, but it’s essential to understand that venting, especially ongoing venting or complaining, increases anger rather than diffusing it.

It makes things worse!

If you’re upset or angry chronically about something and ruminate about it, which amounts to venting to yourself, you put yourself in a state of general dissatisfaction and tension that seeps into other aspects of your life, such as your performance at work, relationships with family or friends, and your general well-being.

Okay, so what’s the solution? How do I avoid suppressing my emotions without venting?

The answer is to process instead of vent.

To do that, you first need to get your thinking brain back on board. Here are some strategies that work.

Cool down.

Before making any decisions or taking action, you need to cool down—not just mentally but also physically.

Because your body is in a heightened state of tension and arousal that can last for hours or more, you need to do something to cool it down, which will, in turn, help you cool your emotions.

The best strategy to use is distraction. However, only some types of distractions are helpful.

Spend some time alone and do one or several of these things.

1. Take a walk.

This strategy is the most effective because it directly reduces your body’s tension and returns it to a state of relaxation. Walking also calms your mind, especially if you walk outside, preferably in nature.

Exercise of any kind is helpful if you prefer something else, like running, biking, Yoga, weightlifting, or swimming.

All of these will help reduce your physical and mental state of hyperarousal.

2. Do something that will absorb your attention for a while.

You could watch a movie, read a book, clean the house, or go for a drive (although this might not help if you’re particularly enraged).

Whatever you choose, it should be something that will distract and calm at the same time.

A caveat: Avoid venting while using these strategies. If you’re taking a walk and continuing to vent to yourself, you can make things worse. On the other hand, processing and rethinking can be helpful.

3. Talk to someone.

Talking to someone can be helpful if it’s the right person and you use the conversation to process what happened.

Venting is a part of this, but not unbridled venting with no purpose other than to discharge your feelings.

Verbalizing your emotions is helpful if you also try to see the situation from a different angle.

It’s necessary to widen the picture so you uncover distorted thoughts. Are you seeing all sides of the situation? Is there something you could have handled differently? How might you have reacted more effectively?

Repetitive venting closes your thinking brain down and narrows your scope.

That being the case, be choosy about who you talk to.

Someone who encourages your venting is not helpful. Anger is contagious, and venting to someone who jumps on the anger train hypes it up.

You want someone who’s calm and empathetic but also can look at things objectively.

4. Write it out.

Writing is an excellent way to discharge emotions without making them worse.

Writing brings your thinking brain back on board, even if what you’re writing is a spill of emotions. You have to use your cognition to write.

Also, words on the page crystallize your thoughts and feelings so you can gain some distance from them and think more clearly.

Best Case Scenario

Try combining strategies. If you’re very angry, calm your body first. Take some time alone and walk or exercise.

Then, when you’re calmer, begin processing what happened and ask yourself how you might be distorting your take on the situation and how you might approach it differently.

Writing or talking to someone can aid you in this process.

Next, when you’re ready, take action to revisit the situation if warranted.

That will depend on what happened initially and whether you think it’s worth your time or appropriate to do so. If not, let it go.

One Other Idea

Something that works well for some people is to do a timed vent.

That means they give themselves a specific amount of time to fully vent, followed by rethinking the situation and considering different views and options.

But be careful with this one.

A timed vent should be short. Ten minutes is good enough.

More than that can heighten your anger, especially if you leave it at that and don’t review the situation more objectively.

Sometimes, you can vent briefly and then leave it until the next day to rethink it.

Timed vents are effective, especially when venting to someone else. You set a time, and the person listens without interruption for ten minutes. Then, you work together to process the information.

The bottom line is to avoid chronic venting or rumination.

Distract yourself first, let your body return to normal, and then reevaluate.

If you’re interested in the exact physiology of venting, take a look at Chapter 5 in Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. He explains it exceptionally well!

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,



Blog Post #198: How to Increase People’s Receptivity to You

Photo by Jacob Wackerhausen, Courtesy of iStock Photo

If you want people to be receptive and to like you, there’s a simple question to ask yourself that will help you accomplish it.

The question is,

How do I make other people feel? What do I bring to our interactions, conversations, or time together?

Let’s turn the tables. Who do you want to be around, and why?

I guarantee your answer has to do with how you feel when you’re with them.

And that, my friend, is what you should zero in on if you want someone to be receptive and spend time with you.

Here are the things that will get you there.

1. What kind of emotions do you broadcast most?

Generally speaking, are they mostly negative, mostly positive, or some of each? How much of which?

Expressing both positive and negative feelings is normal and natural. It can be a way of showing vulnerability and creating intimacy for both people involved.

However, if you’re a chronic complainer, devil’s advocate, or always choosing subjects that are emotionally taxing and negative overall, you’ll push people away.

The only people likely to want to spend time with you will be those who are as negative or more so than you are, and you probably won’t want to be around them much.

It’s one thing to commiserate with someone about something important to you both, but it’s another to lean toward the negative most of the time, regardless of the situation or the person you’re talking to.

Ask yourself this:

Is what I’m talking about taxing the other person emotionally?

Watch their expressions as you talk, and notice their body language. Are they turning away from you, flinching almost imperceptibly, or shifting from foot to foot?

Body language can tell you more than anything said, so pay attention to it.

Signs that someone’s not enjoying the conversation are:

  1. Fidgeting
  2. Avoiding eye contact
  3. Facing to the side or away
  4. Taking a deep breath as if to fortify themselves
  5. Glazing over

If you see any of those signs, switch gears!

Pay attention to how the other person reacts to you, and keep paying attention throughout the conversation.

2. How genuine is your interest in the other person, and do you show it?

When you’re genuinely interested in someone, you say things and ask questions that reflect your curiosity about them.

It feels to them like you want to know who they are and what they think and feel. They sense your engagement and reciprocate.

Doesn’t it feel good when someone seems interested in you and responds positively to who you are?

Be sure that you provide that same feeling for the other person.

3. Above all, listen!

Very often, when people come to see me for therapy, what they want more than anything is to be heard.

And not just their words.

They want me to listen to and understand the feelings behind their words.

They want to feel connected, cared about, and valued.

The way to make someone feel those things is to listen carefully with your whole being.

You must put other thoughts and concerns aside and focus your full attention on understanding. Listen and hear with an open mind what’s going on in that person’s heart and mind.

Also, be sure to focus more on the other person than on yourself. Start that way, and the whole conversation will flow more easily.

4. Show some vulnerability.

If this is a person you want to connect with, show some vulnerability yourself.

You don’t have to share all your fears and issues, but when they reveal something about themselves, you can reciprocate, especially if you’ve had an experience that’s similar or that resonates with what they’re telling you.

Unless someone is attention-seeking, they don’t feel comfortable being the only one to express something personal. They want to know about you, too.

That sort of back-and-forth creates a stronger connection.

Here’s an example.

I recently talked to a woman who walks in my neighborhood every morning with her dog around the same time I walk. We usually exchange a few words of greeting.

But this one morning, I stopped and asked more about her dog, and we got on the subject of aging dogs and going through the process of their dying.

She told me a story about losing one of her dogs and expressed how painful it was. I shared a similar story about losing my Dachsie.

I didn’t talk for long, but I could feel us bonding over these stories because we both understood what it felt like to lose a pet you love.

You don’t have to talk about something that serious. It can be a similar opinion or interest you share. But let the other person in.

Share something personal, and the connection will expand.

5. Avoid doing a monologue.

I just said you should share something personal, and that’s true, but at the same time, make sure you don’t get long-winded and go off on a monologue.

You can always tell when someone is chafing in that situation if you watch their body language.

Make sure you keep an exchange by participating without monopolizing.

6. Use humor.

Humor is one of the best connectors, and when you use it with ease, you immediately increase receptivity unless the person you’re talking to has no sense of humor or is upset about something else not having to do with you.

Most people respond well to humor and will participate if you say something. It can be a very off-handed comment without any intent, but still, it cuts through formality and awkwardness. That’s assuming, of course, it’s funny!

I laugh thinking about this because sometimes people’s humor is so dry or cheeky that the person on the receiving doesn’t get it. That in itself is funny!

7. Exude confidence and warmth.

“What? But, I’m an introvert! It takes me a while.”

Yeah, me too, but I’ve learned how to do it.

When you meet someone, make eye contact, smile like you mean it, and speak with confidence. Above all, keep your expression open and warm.

People can feel your feelings, even if they don’t register it consciously.

I’m sure you’ve met people with whom you felt immediately comfortable. It’s because they seem genuinely happy to meet you, and they’re accepting, warm, humble yet confident, and easy to converse with. This is true even if you’re shy or introverted.

That’s how you want to make someone feel when they meet you. The same applies when talking to someone you know.

What if I don’t want to talk to this person?

When you meet someone or see someone you don’t want to spend time with, you don’t need to go out of your way to converse with them.

This is especially true for people who are toxic to you. Avoid or make your exit as quickly as you can without being offensive.

You don’t need to spend time with people who take advantage of you or are competitive and self-centered.

This article applies to people you want to talk to or when meeting new people.

I’ve listed several other articles below that may help you achieve some of the things we’ve discussed today. Take a look at them if you like, especially the one about “whole being listening.”

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Suggested Reading:

Be an Empathetic Detective to Improve Your Relationships
How to Truly Connect with Someone: Whole Being Listening
How to Make Small Talk if You’re an Introvert


Blog Short #197: Why You Shouldn’t Tell Everyone Your Dreams and Goals

Photo by RichVintage, Courtesy of iStock Photo

When you have a dream and something important you want to achieve, don’t shout it from the rooftop!

You’ll sabotage yourself before you start and have much less chance of succeeding.

There are three reasons this happens.

1. Not everyone has your best interest at heart.

When you have a great idea and are enthusiastic about pursuing it, who do you want to tell first?

Your partner, your family, your friends? Or maybe you want to blast it over social media and get kudos from everyone you know to encourage you.

Why not, right? Surely, all these people who love and know you will be supportive and wish you well. So you think!

But that isn’t always what happens. Some might do that, but others won’t.

Family members may give you lots of verbal encouragement and support while secretly thinking you won’t succeed.

They have preconceived ideas about you that may interfere with their faith in your ability to follow through.

Or they may find your idea weak, outlandish, or not interesting.

On the other hand, some family members have no compunction about playing the devil’s advocate.

By the time they finish telling you all the reasons you won’t succeed, you feel deflated and unsure about continuing.

A more sneaky approach is when they encourage you even when they believe what you’re embarking on isn’t a good idea.

You might get a “That’s great! Go for it!” while what they’re thinking is, “That’ll never work,” or “You won’t pull that off.”

Then there’s the lip service response, which is “Ah, that’s great,” with no real interest or support later on.

Family members and friends can be your biggest supporters. If so, tell them!

But not always, and it’s good to consider that before blabbing everything to everyone.

2. To avoid unnecessary competition.

A second consideration is that even those you’re close to sometimes envy your successes.

Maybe they’re not happy with where they are or aren’t feeling good about themselves, so they subtly sabotage you with comments or questions that minimize what you want to do.

This second response is more difficult to understand or notice because it’s often subtle and indirect.

Again, someone may become too involved by pointing out everything that could go wrong – the devil’s advocate – or react with a big smile yet never refer to it again. However, in both cases, part of them may not want you to succeed.

This can happen with close friends, family members, acquaintances, or colleagues.

You may have family members and friends who are authentically supportive and excited for you and offer to help.

But be careful.

3. You dilute your momentum.

If you’re someone who tends to get super excited about something up front but has difficulty sticking with it over time, telling everyone about your new idea will set you up for failure.

You may think going public will help you stay accountable, but that can backfire.

You may end up being held accountable for not following through.

It’s better to stay quiet, make your plans, and work on getting some traction and being well on your way before you go public.

Even then, be careful who you bring into your support circle. Make sure they can be supportive without jealousy, envy, or malintent.

Who can you tell?

This question has two parts: Who can you tell, and how much should you tell them?

1. Who?

You can tell someone you’re close to and have a history of receiving their unwavering support for your interests, talents, ideas, and well-being.

This person has your best interest at heart and is genuinely interested in and cares about you. It’s someone who has no need to compete with you but takes actual pleasure in your successes and supports you when you’re struggling.

Still, don’t tell someone you know isn’t going to be interested in what you’re doing, even if they are usually supportive.

Lukewarm responses are sabotaging unless given out of genuine concern for your success and suggestions to help.

Don’t let someone rain on your parade by saying, “Oh, that sounds good!” but nothing else.

A good person to tell is someone with expertise in what you want to do, like a mentor, who can help you create your plan and anticipate possible obstacles.

It can also be a colleague or friend who’s had similar experiences and knows the terrain.

A qualified teacher or mentor is invaluable when starting with something new.

2. How much?

Go slowly when deciding how much to tell.

You might lay out your entire idea and plan to the mentor or coach, but maybe less to anyone else.

Remember that you want to keep your momentum, and the more you spill, the more it can be diluted.

You feel people watching you, which drains some of your emotional energy. You may not feel that directly, but it’s there.

I’ve worked with an accountability partner, and that helped a lot.

It was useful because we were both working on something and helping each other stay on track. That added energy.

When you’re the only one being held accountable, the experience is entirely different. The spotlight’s on you, and that can hamper your performance and success.

In those cases, less is better, even with close friends you trust.

If you need regular help, go for the mentor/coach/teacher or an accountability partner.

All these people will help you stay on track and provide support while giving you added ideas and information to help you along the way.

When a family member or friend is a partner in your endeavor, the support is also mutual and helpful because you’re doing it together.

The Worst Place to Go Public

You guessed it: social media!

Social media sometimes reminds me of high school. Who’s the most popular? Who’s the smartest? Who has the greatest life?

Not all social media is bad, but too often, it’s used to compete, one-up, troll, tear down, and compare.

Not to mention, what you see is not what you get because what people post about themselves is, to a greater or lesser extent, skewed or fictionalized, or only a small piece of their lives.

If you post your new plan or goal on social media, many people may congratulate you, but that’s it. It doesn’t help you with your momentum and actually dilutes it.

Save that for when you’re ready to put up your business page to increase your sales or advertise your services. That’s a better use of social media.

Until then, just use it for entertainment or to keep in touch with people you know and like. But keep your idea to yourself!

One More Bit of Advice

We’ve been talking about telling people about something you want to do or achieve.

But let’s stretch that out a little and generalize it to simply sharing personal information.

Oversharing is not in anybody’s best interest – not yours or theirs.

Be selective about who you share personal information with. Take time to get to know someone before divulging too much about yourself.

You don’t need to be paranoid, but be sure the person you share your vulnerabilities with is trustworthy and emotionally intelligent enough to consider your feelings and protect your privacy.

We are connectors, and that’s wonderful unless you’re connecting with the wrong person.

Be slow to reveal your dreams and goals while building authentic, supportive connections you can trust and enjoy.

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Blog Short #196: How to Use Comparing Yourself to Help Rather Than Hurt

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I’ve always been told not to compare myself to other people. “Just be yourself!” That’s the philosophy, right?

I’ve even written several articles defending that point of view, and it does have validity under certain circumstances.

However, I’ve changed my thinking about it more recently, which I’ll explain today.

There are times when comparison is helpful and times when it’s not. It all boils down to the intent behind engaging in it.

When Comparison is Beneficial

The benefits were clarified for me when I decided I needed some outside inspiration to become a better writer.

I love to write, and I’ve taken courses and read books about it, but reading the works of other writers has become a continuous source of inspiration and learning.

When I compare my writing to someone else’s for the purpose of learning and improving, comparison is highly beneficial. It provides:

  1. Inspiration. The writing moves me, offers a new take on an old subject, or challenges me to think.
  2. Education. As I read, I noticed the creative use of words, phrasing, development, and other writing techniques I can adopt when writing.
  3. Appreciation and Challenge. I gain an appreciation for my own writing style while being challenged to improve by using what I learn from other writers.

Comparison used with the intent to learn is very beneficial.

We do it all the time, often without recognizing that’s what we’re doing.

Anyone who’s striving to master a skill can’t help but compare themselves to others who are working at the same skill.

Some people are further along than you are, and some are behind you, but either way, you can use what you learn from both to improve your skills.

This brings us to the other side of the question.

When Comparison is Harmful

Let’s say that as I compare my writing to another writer’s, I not only notice where I have deficits but also internalize those observations as judgments of my performance.

Instead of being inspired and excited about learning something that will help me improve my skills, I use them to denigrate my performance and myself as well.

My self-talk sounds like this:

“I’m a terrible writer. I’ll never be able to write like that. Who am I kidding?”

“That’s depressing. I can’t possibly be as good as that, so why not just hang it up.

” Obviously, I don’t have the natural talent that guy has, and I never will.”

“I feel totally defeated.”

The difference between using comparison to benefit you as opposed to obliterating you lies in how you personalize it.

Once you use it as a measure of your worth, you’re done. There’s no place to go from there but down.

By personalizing it, you shrink down your sense of self to a single point. You:

  • Forget your unique qualities.
  • Lose your authenticity.
  • Stifle your creativity.
  • Lower your sense of worth.
  • Dissipate your energy.
  • Engage in distorted thinking.

The worst part of doing this is that it sets you apart from the creative world, and not in a good way.

You sink into a win-lose mindset and either lose because you’re not good enough or begin a path of denial and fantasy as you try to justify why you’re better.

Ideas and their expressions are infinite, but you must be willing to learn from others who’ve gone before you. Creativity is humble.

Here’s My Process to Illustrate

When I sit down to write an article, I start by writing off the top of my head, assuming I know the subject I want to address. This is my “ugly write,” which means I write all the way through without looking back.

Next, I peruse the Internet and read what others have written on the same subject. If I like something, I take notes.

When I’ve read enough, I turn to research studies that apply to the subject and take more notes. I may also have notes from books I’ve read that apply.

Then I create a more detailed outline. I don’t use what someone else has written verbatim, but I may pursue an idea I hadn’t thought of and add my own take to it as I write. This is where comparison comes in handy.

I wait a day and do a second draft.

Over the next several days, I do two edits. The first is a rewrite to make the content more concise and easier to assimilate. I run that through Grammarly for grammar and word choice checks.

The final edit is for proofing and removing any superfluous words or paragraphs that aren’t necessary to understand the subject.

You get the blog on Monday!

The Point Is . . .

It’s helpful to look at other people’s work – not because you want to copy it, but because it stimulates new ideas and inspires you to delve deeper into what you want to say.

Another benefit is that I’ve come to appreciate and take joy in seeing something well done, even if it isn’t my work.

There are so many talented people, and they have tons to offer if you’re humble enough to take advantage of them. It makes you better and strengthens your voice, regardless of the field you’re working in.

Approach Your Journey This Way

No matter what craft or skill you want to master, approach it as though you’re an apprentice.

Your teachers may be few or many. They can be other writers, artists, business experts, athletes, homemakers, or anyone with talent and skills in your field.

Teachers can also be experiences, research studies, books, or your daily news writer.

Open yourself up to the knowledge others can share with you. Let comparison be your friend and a source of infinite inspiration.

Then start on your path, and let it unfold as it presents itself. Don’t be too rigid.

Your job is to keep practicing and improving your skills.

When you approach others’ work without feelings of envy or jealousy and without beating yourself down, your creative world opens up like a giant candy shop, and it’s delightful!

Mastery is an ongoing and never-ending process, but it can be rewarding if you allow it to be. Open-minded comparison is a friend who can help you along the way.

One More Thing

Comparison not only applies to the pursuit of skills or talents. You might also use it to compare your personal qualities and characteristics with someone else’s.

In those cases, focus more on your authentic self and don’t try to be someone else.

At the same time, extract the most you can from who you are and what you have to work with.

We’re all on our own personal evolutionary paths, and each have valuable and unique contributions to offer.

You can still borrow what you learn from others and emulate those qualities you most admire, but not at the expense of your self-worth.

Use comparison for purposes of growth only, and it will be your friend.

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Blog Short #195: My Simple 2-Step System to Stay on Top of Everything

Photo by JulNichols, Courtesy of iStock Photo

Sometimes, I feel like my life’s a list – a neverending list of to-dos.

I’m assuming you grapple with the same problem. Life is very busy these days, and we have to stay on top of many things at once. So, we need a system that does the job.

The question is, “What’s the best system?”

There are oodles of them out there, but many are very complex! If you like to plan, you may be drawn to these, but they don’t necessarily help you stay on top of things.

They’re fun to use and get excited about, but they’re too complicated to keep up with. You plan, but you don’t always execute.

I’ve got a very simple two-step system, which you can use without downloading apps, purchasing planners, or creating extra categorized lists to keep up with.

I want to share it with you because it’s easy, and it works!

Here it is!

I use a singular list and calendar. These are the only tools necessary.

There are three reasons for this:

  1. It keeps me from losing things or letting them fall through the cracks.
  2. My single list is available on all my devices and can be accessed easily anytime.
  3. My attention stays focused on executing rather than planning.

Here’s how I do it.

Step 1: Make the Lists

I use my iPad, which also links to my phone and computer. That way, everything on my list is available at any time. It’s the same list.

You can use your phone or computer if that’s better for you, or a handwritten list. Do what works.

  1. Every week, I make a list for each day—all seven. My headings are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on.
  2. Then, I list everything I intend to accomplish each day—work tasks, home tasks, errands, and self-care—all in one place. Doing that lets me see it all at a glance and never miss anything. This is the most important step because you have everything on your plate at a glance. Most people make different lists for different types of tasks and although that might make sense, it’s harder to keep up with.
  3. Next, I review the list for the next day before retiring and again when I get up in the morning so it’s fresh in my mind.

Reviewing it the night before primes me and improves my performance the next day because I don’t have to spend a moment deciding what I need to do. It’s all there.

Generally, I set up the whole week at one time, which is Saturday morning for me. You can choose any day and time that works best for you.

Step 2: Add to Calendar

After finishing the lists, I transfer everything to my Google calendar, so I know when I’ll be performing each task.

Putting things on your calendar lets you see if you’re overloading or underloading.

As you place things in space, you visualize locations where you’ll perform them, which adds another sensory layer to help you execute the tasks when it’s time to do them.

Step 3: Execute and Rejoice!

Now for the fun part. When you accomplish something, delete it from your list. It’s done!

It always feels good to watch the list shrink, and that simple act inspires you to keep going.

The Benefits

1. You don’t lose anything.

As mentioned already, putting everything on a single list keeps you from forgetting anything. It’s all there for you to see on every device you use, and you can access it anytime.

2. You’re more efficient.

Having everything in one place allows you to make the best use of your time.

You start with time blocks and a schedule, but as the day proceeds and unexpected things pop up, you can quickly shift things around to be more efficient.

For example, if you’ve set up an appointment that gets canceled, you can do something else on the list or add something in.

And because you know all the tasks you need to do on any particular day, you can move things along without much preparation when time opens up.

You also aren’t chasing down tasks that are listed in different places on multiple lists. It’s all right there.

3. Revisions are easy.

If you don’t get everything done on your list on the day it’s designated, which happens when unexpected things crop up, you can revise your lists in minutes.

You can move something to the next day or add something new if there’s extra time. Seeing it all at a glance helps you prioritize quickly. It’s easy and fluid!

4. You make room for downtime.

The best thing about a single list and calendar system is that you can be deliberate about scheduling self-care and downtime.

For example, I schedule a morning routine every day, and I know exactly how much time it will take. I also stop working at a scheduled time every day.

It’s essential to have an end time when your work day is over.

Start by defining what that means for you. Does that include job duties, home duties, or child care?

When can you officially post your off-duty sign?

If you’re a busy person, it’s easy to fill your evenings with the overflow of tasks that didn’t get done during the day.

If you have kids, scheduling downtime in the evenings is even more challenging, but it’s essential to do it.

That might mean getting very firm about bedtimes so that you have specific hours in the evening free for yourself or for time with your partner.

It also means efficiently planning evening activities such as meals, baths, homework, etc.

All of these things can and should be included on your daily lists. By doing that, you will become more efficient with your night and day routines, allowing you to have time for yourself.

One More Practice to Increase Your Efficiency: Batching

Batching is another practice that can simplify your to-do system and help you become more efficient and focused.

Batching is performing specific types of tasks in batches rather than spreading them out over each day.

For example, you might cook several meals ahead and freeze them, then thaw and reheat them for dinner. That way, you won’t have to cook every day.

I spend two or three hours on the weekend doing this, and I’m super happy about it during the weekdays.

You can also day-batch, which you may already do.

Day-batching means assigning particular types of tasks to one or two days rather than spreading them out over a week.

For example, you use one day of the week to clean, do laundry, run errands, and perform other home tasks, which leaves other days free to focus only on work or leisure activities.

Batching is also helpful for work tasks. You can batch similar tasks either in time segments or by days, or work on specific projects on designated days or time slots.

In general, batching helps you:

  • Increase your focus
  • Open up time slots for other things
  • Avoid daily interruptions to your more important work
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment
  • Keep your brain space freed up

What About Bigger Projects?

Large projects don’t fit neatly on a daily to-do list.

I keep a running list of projects “to be done” on my iPad just below my daily lists.

That way, I don’t forget them, and everything is still in one place.

When I’m ready to tackle a project on the list, I break it down into tasks and add them to the daily to-do lists. Once I do that, projects get done without much stress and are eased into my calendar.

That’s it!

If you have a system that already works well for you, keep going. But if not, try this one out and see how you like it. It’s simple, effective, and easy!

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Suggested Reading: 5 Things That Steal Your Time


Blog Short #194: 9 Signs That You’re Dealing with a Toxic Person

Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Last week, I explained why you might repeatedly get involved with the same type of toxic person.

This week, I want to help you identify the signs upfront so you can avoid falling into situations you’ll regret later. To do that, I’ll review some behaviors to look for.

As you read, keep in mind that anyone can occasionally display one of these behaviors when under emotional or physical stress.

The difference between someone who’s toxic and someone who occasionally slips is that, in the former case, the behaviors are part of their overall character.

Let’s start by going over nine behavior patterns to look for.

9 Common Toxic Behavior Patterns

1. It’s all about them.

Toxic people are concerned first and foremost about themselves. Whatever the conversation or interaction, they bring the attention back to them.

Toxic people lack empathy in most cases and are unable to consider the needs and feelings of other people. Theirs take precedence.

And if you ask them for something, they’ll either dismiss or ignore your request or compete with you for the spotlight.

2. They manipulate regularly.

They use manipulation and gaslighting as a one-two punch to get you to keep your focus on them while questioning your self-worth.

They shame you when you address your needs or feelings. It’s a case of chronic one-upping to the extreme.

You feel like you owe them something and need to earn it, although it’s always just out of reach.

They challenge you to prove yourself over and over, yet you never make the grade. Or if you do, it’s temporary.

3. You never know who’s going to show up.

One day, everything’s fine, and the next, they’re upset and cranky, yet you have no idea what caused the shift.

When you ask what’s wrong, they say “nothing,” but you feel it just the same.

They give little hints that you’ve done something. They retreat, get quiet, or give you the cold shoulder. They might make faces, subtly shake their head, sigh, and show visible signs of disappointment.

The air around you is tense, and you feel like you need to fix it, yet if you comment about it, they’ll tell you it’s all in your head.

4. They don’t apologize for anything.

When toxic people get caught doing something they shouldn’t or are abusive in some way, they justify their behavior and subtly or not so subtly shift the blame to you.

They demand your apology, and often, you find yourself apologizing for things they did.

It’s amazing that even in the face of evidence, they manage to make you feel responsible for whatever happened.

5. They’re accomplished gaslighters.

The gaslighter’s goal is to rewrite history to make you question what you see and know.

Over time, you become confused, emotionally beaten down, and unsure about what’s happening. You feel chronically overwhelmed.

They also isolate you from your friends and family so that their voice is prominent and you have little to no outside support.

6. They drain you.

Between the negativity, reality distortion, manipulation, and neediness, these folks suck the life out of you. After a while, you feel depleted mentally, emotionally, and physically.

People who live with a toxic partner for any length of time can eventually become ill, depressed, and chronically anxious or overwhelmed.

7. You can’t have a successful conversation to resolve a problem.

Toxic people use projection as a tool to avoid dealing with issues that in any way focus on their dysfunctional behavior.

When you confront them or attempt to talk through a problem, they either accuse you of the very thing they’re doing or deny it outright.

They also topic-hop to avoid focusing on a subject long enough to delve into it, especially if it portrays them in a negative light.

Often, they bring up old events that have nothing to do with the current issue.

Another common defense tactic is to focus on how you’re talking or your tone of voice rather than the issue.

You start out talking about something that’s bothering you, and before you know it, you’re defending your delivery and losing the battle.

These conversations are always win-lose, and you’re the loser.

8. They steal your joy.

When you share something positive that’s happened to you, or you’re excited about something, they minimize it.

They’re envious of your successes and shift the attention back onto themselves while denigrating your accomplishments.

On the other hand, they will be present during a crisis and, in the process, build a case for your deficits.

They might involve others, such as family members, friends, or colleagues, to support their thoughts about what’s wrong with you.

9. They exaggerate.

They’re famous for choosing a single incident where you tripped up and magnifying it as evidence of your many inadequacies.

They use words like “always, never, and every time” when describing situations.

Conversely, they use hyperbole and superlatives to describe their behavior and achievements.

How Can You Tell Upfront if Someone’s Toxic?

First, take it slow.

When getting into a relationship, whether romantic, friendship, or otherwise, it’s best to take your time getting to know the other person before getting in deep.

People generally put their best foot forward at the beginning. Narcissists, in particular, can be very charming and draw you in quickly.

Over time, they reveal more of who they are. It’s good to allow this process the time it needs before getting further in.

Beware of someone who wants to move quickly, especially if they put you on a pedestal and make you feel special. You’ll fall off soon enough. Take your time.

Secondly, find out about their history.

What’s the quality of their other relationships?

Do they have long-term relationships and attachments? Are they involved with their kids and talk about them with affection? Can they keep friends? Do they job-hop because they don’t get along with people at work?

You might find that they’ve been in a number of relationships that haven’t worked out, and in describing them, they blame the other person while denying any wrongdoing on their part.

How do they treat people? That’s what you want to know.

Other questions to ask yourself if you’re already in a relationship:

  1. Are you walking on eggshells much of the time?
  2. Do you consistently feel like you need to do more, be better, and prove your loyalty to this person?
  3. Do they find fault with you regularly, regardless of what you do?
  4. Do you often find yourself apologizing for things you didn’t do or problems you didn’t initiate?
  5. Do you feel worn out, unappreciated, neglected, angry, or despairing?
  6. Are you questioning your perceptions of what you know and see happening?
  7. Is the overall atmosphere tense, negative, and competitive?
  8. Do you bring out the worst in each other? Do you find yourself behaving in ways you disapprove of, such as gossiping, being mean, and losing your temper often?

If you say yes to most or even half of these questions, then examine the relationship more closely.

Sometimes, the only solution is to get out, but depending on your situation, that may not be possible.

You can work at it by doing any or all of these things:

  • Start setting boundaries for toxic behaviors and stick to them.
  • Get some outside help to walk you through the process. For couples, counseling together and separately is useful.
  • Reach out to friends, family, or activities outside of your relationship. Don’t let yourself be isolated.

People can sometimes change their behavior if they value the relationship enough not to lose it. In those cases, you can work on things together.

But if the other person refuses to make any changes and continues not to be concerned about your needs and feelings, then you have to consider long-term consequences.

I recommend getting some help in those cases. Everyone’s situation is unique.

One Last Thing

If you need help learning to set boundaries and like to read, get the book Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourselfby Nedra Glover Tawwab. It’s excellent and will give you some good strategies to try.

That’s all for today.

We’ll go a little lighter next week!

All my best,


Blog Short #193: Why Do I Keep Getting Involved With the Same Toxic People?

Photo by JulPo, Courtesy of iStock Photo

Sometimes, in spite of being careful, you keep getting involved with and drawn to the same type of toxic person.

It’s easy to blame yourself, but there are reasons this happens. It’s complicated.

It involves something called “repetition compulsion,” which we’ll discuss today.

Let’s start with a definition.

What is Repetition Compulsion?

It’s a theory that says you repeatedly seek out situations that mirror experiences you had growing up, especially traumatic ones, and repeat the patterns associated with them.

Okay, that’s a little wordy. Here’s an example: Let’s say you grew up with a distant, stern, cold parent, and you could never get their approval.

You might find yourself repetitively getting involved with romantic partners who have similar characteristics.

And each time when you realize it, you blame yourself for not being more selective in your choices.

This pattern is a form of repetition compulsion.

It’s a compulsion because it’s mostly an unconscious process. In other words:

You don’t knowingly or consciously choose someone or a situation that mirrors past traumatic or abusive experiences.

The victim—in this case, you—is not at fault. Other factors are involved in making this happen, but not because you knowingly sought it out.

That brings us to why it happens.

What Are the Causes of Repetition Compulsion?

There are several possibilities, and more than one may apply.

1. A Desire to Rewrite the Experience

Using our example of the distant parent, you would choose someone with that same dynamic and then try to win them over, thereby correcting the relationship and rejection you had from your parent.

If you’re good enough and do just the right things, you can win the love and affection you didn’t get growing up and transform your partner into someone who values you.

This particular scenario is common and not easy to repair.

You might find that you pick that same person more than several times, and even though you recognize that these behavior patterns are not in your best interest, you still have the unconscious drive to make good by changing the partner’s responses to you.

One reason this type of repetition compulsion is so strong is that it was lodged into your psyche during your developing years.

Even if you consciously rejected that parent and their neglectful behavior, you may find yourself attracted to someone with similar psychological dynamics and not be attracted to partners who openly accept and love you.

2. Staying Close to What’s Familiar

A second reason for repeating these experiences is sticking with what you know.

You, I, and just about everyone seek out what’s familiar.

It’s our emotional home, even if it’s a highly dysfunctional and broken-down home.

What we know is deeply ingrained in us, and we return to it automatically because of its familiarity. That’s just the way we work.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have the ability to discriminate what’s healthy or not healthy for you, but that capacity can get blurred or lose the competition between becoming aware and returning to what you know.

This is especially true when what’s familiar is something you experienced repeatedly during your early years. It’s embedded on a cellular level.

You’ve been conditioned.

3. The Trauma or Experiences Have Become Part of Your Self-Image

In the first case we discussed, you thought you could correct the trauma by winning over the neglectful, aloof parent in a current relationship.

In this case, the opposite occurs. You’ve unconsciously accepted the repetitive messages that you aren’t lovable, acceptable, interesting, valuable, or worthy of someone’s attention. These become part of your self-image.

This drives you to seek out similar partners and situations where you receive identical treatment because, on an unconscious level, you believe you deserve it.

How Do You Change These Patterns?

Treating repetition compulsion is not a short-term process. It takes time and is gradual.

That makes sense because the formation process occurred over time and during formative years.

Another reason time is required is that trauma has sticking power in your memory, even subconscious memory, because of its strong emotional impact.

It’s like a deep cut with a big scar as opposed to a scratch that disappears with no scar. And, emotional triggers reopen the wound easily.

The primary work of changing a repetition compulsion embedded in your sense of self is reconstructing who you think you are.

That doesn’t mean becoming someone else, but rather going through a process of releasing yourself from the trauma or experiences you had.

It’s kind of like an exorcism. That’s a strong image, but the idea applies.

You pull the trauma out and revise how you see yourself outside of it. Instead of seeing yourself as a victim, you see yourself as someone who was victimized but not permanently damaged.

This transformation is a significant shift because it frees you from the need to repeat the experience.

You may need to revisit or at least identify the original experiences that brought you to where you are. You don’t have to go through every incident that occurred, but define the overall impact of the experience.

How were you affected by it, and how is it showing up in your life right now?

As you do that, you make progress. The pain is released, and you can let it go. It’s still there, but more as a faint memory.

Four Elements Are Necessary

Four elements are required for the process to be successful:

1. Awareness

You must be willing to become aware of the links between your current repetitive behavior and its original source or sources. That means diving into history to see where the problem originated and how it’s manifesting now.

2. Patience

Recognize and be willing to allow the time necessary to work through the process.

The good thing is that as your sense of self changes, you lose your attraction and drive to revisit the trauma or hold on to that familiar emotional home that’s unhealthy.

You move into a new home.

3. Avoidance of self-destructive behavior

You need to halt any self-destructive behaviors that are contributing to your unrest.

That doesn’t mean jumping out of a relationship you’re unsure about. It means avoiding behaviors such as substance abuse, overspending, or any unhealthy habit that’s sabotaging your well-being and would also sabotage the process of healing.

This requires learning how to set boundaries for yourself and others.

4. Therapeutic Assistance

You can work on this process by yourself if the compulsions you have are not that severe or are not causing you great distress.

But if the problem is long-standing and you’re at a point where you’re unable to break up the compulsive patterns, get help from someone who can assist you as you do the work.

Therapy generally increases your awareness and insights because someone is guiding you and asking you the right questions.

Other Types of Repetition Compulsion

There are other expressions of repetition compulsion. Some examples are:

  • Repeating rituals you don’t enjoy but you do them anyway
  • Being overly perfectionistic
  • Placing yourself repeatedly in the same negative situations or environments
  • Self-sabotaging habits like avoidance, procrastination, or beating yourself up

All these patterns are similar in that they’re driven by compulsion instead of by choice.

That’s the differentiating factor, and that’s what makes them more challenging to overcome.

It helps to look at them without self-blame yet take responsibility for changing them.

If you approach them from a place of shame, you’ll fall further back.

You know the saying, “What’s done is done. Now what?”

It’s the “now what” you have the power to influence and control, and you can, but take it slow and be patient with yourself. You will succeed!

Next week, I’ll show how to identify toxic behaviors in other people.

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,

Blog Short #192: No One’s Going to Save You

Photo by Frazao Studio Latino, Courtesy of iStockPhoto

That’s a rather sobering title, isn’t it? But it’s true. Whether you’re doing your best or not doing your best, you are responsible for how your life proceeds. No one else can do it for you.

That doesn’t mean that things don’t happen beyond your control. They do and always will. It means that you have choices about how to react to what happens. You also have choices about what you initiate and pursue and how you conduct yourself throughout your experiences.

Here’s how I learned this lesson!

I learned all this the hard way, and unfortunately, many of us seem to learn that way.

At one point, I got into horrible credit card debt. I won’t tell you how much because it’s embarrassing.

It happened when I partnered with someone to open and run a business. We went into it with pie-in-the-sky expectations, lots of enthusiasm, and confidence that everything would go well. If you’ve ever been an entrepreneur, you know this mindset.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before we maxed out our credit cards to make ends meet because we hadn’t done our research ahead or prepared for any obstacles.

After lots of blaming this and that for the failure – the economy had turned on us, our location was wrong, we didn’t have the right staff, etc. – we had to come to terms with the debt.

I kept hoping for some miraculous help or magic windfall to set things right, but that rarely happens in real life. Eventually, I had to admit that we hadn’t been smart, and the fault was ours.

We made a plan to pay the money back over three years, which involved working more and tightening up spending. It was grueling, but in three years, the credit cards were empty.

Here’s what I took away from that experience that has stayed with me and might come in handy for you, too, if the situation arises.

1. No one is going to save you. You must take responsibility.

The first step in saving yourself is to accept and acknowledge what you’ve done or not done that’s resulted in your current situation.

It’s not the economy, global warming, the government, your friends, or your family. It’s you. Once you accept that, you can start your trek back up.

When I realized I would have to work a lot more over a long period of time to pay back all that money, I wasn’t happy. Yet, once I accepted the situation and started working on it, I felt some relief.

When all the money was paid back and my credit score zoomed up, I was grateful that no one had saved me and that I had to learn the lessons involved. I wouldn’t have it any other way because those lessons have stayed with me, and life is better as a result.

2. Practice self-sufficiency.

You might be on top of certain aspects of your life but irresponsible with other parts of it.

Maybe you’re a super salesperson and bring consistent money into the company, yet show up late for meetings, forget to pay your bills on time, let your laundry pile up, and neglect your dog.

It’s essential to take care of yourself and your responsibilities across all areas of your life, and be aware of how your behavior affects those who rely on you.

When you neglect responsibilities, you will eventually sabotage yourself, and the consequences will seep into your successes and disrupt them.

Again, no one can save you. Even if someone steps in to help, until you recognize and correct your dysfunctional behavior, the patterns will repeat. And people will know they can’t count on you.

3. Think ahead.

Much of the pain people encounter could have been prevented if they’d thought ahead.

That’s nothing new—I’m sure you’ve heard that many times. But have you taken it in and applied it? It’s not easy to do so because emotions get in the way.

Emotions are essential and provide interest, drive, and energy, but they need to be tempered by thought, objectivity, and evaluation.

When you decide on a course of action, consider all the things that can go wrong. That doesn’t mean being a pessimist – it means being aware of what you might encounter as you take action.

I’m an optimist at heart, and optimism is energizing when you have a goal, but make sure it’s grounded in reality so that you take the necessary steps to be successful in your endeavors instead of going full-speed onto the expressway with only half a gallon of gas in your tank.

4. Stop blaming!

When things go wrong, it’s easy to start a litany of blame.

Sometimes, you blame other people, surrounding circumstances, and unforeseen changes. Other times, you blame yourself, but not in a constructive way. You shred yourself and keep doing it until you’re immobilized. In truth, extensive self-battering is another form of avoidance.

This is called the ​shame-blame circle​, and it’s like stepping into a whirling eddy and drowning. The better approach is not to blame but to look at the actions and factors that led to the situation and review what you could have done differently to get better results.

How can you avoid making the same mistake again, and what can you do now to correct the situation?

It’s not about who’s to blame, but what you can learn.

5. Look for patterns.

One of the facts of life is that you will encounter the same obstacles repeatedly until you resolve them.

In other words, the same crappy situations come at you until you face them.

Worse, they get stronger and louder if you don’t pay attention.

So, if you drink and drive, you might run over a curb while parking and get a flat tire. If you drink and drive again, you might get a DUI and lose your license for a while. If you do it again, you might have an accident where someone is hurt.

That’s an obvious example, but some situations are more subtle and require greater self-awareness and honest evaluation. For instance, many minor infractions at a job can pile up until one day, the boss calls you into her office and fires you.

Get good at observing yourself in all your interactions and behaviors to make sure that you aren’t:

  1. Repeating the same mistakes over and over.
  2. Avoiding awareness of what you’re doing and the consequences of your actions.

You want to stay on top of your own personal trends. “Trends” is a good concept here because it puts single actions and behaviors within the context of how your life is moving.

You rarely stand still. You’re either going forward or backward, and it’s in your best interest to know which way that is. If you don’t, you give up your control, yet you’re still responsible for how it goes.

You wouldn’t go out into the ocean on a speed boat and sit in the back while the boat sped willy-nilly across the water. Even if the boat is idling, it’s still moving. Grab the steering wheel and take charge of the direction and speed so you go where you want to go.

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

All my best,


Blog Short #191: How Do I Stop Taking Care of Everything and Everyone?

Photo by ArtMarie, Courtesy of iStock Photo

If this question resonates with you, I’m guessing you had to take on adult responsibilities early in life and got good at it.

Maybe you’re the oldest child in your family or the child who was the designated caretaker for your siblings. Whatever the case, you likely developed some exceptional skills from those experiences that you’ve taken into your adulthood.

That’s the good side.

The downside is you may be so good at caretaking that you’re easily taken advantage of and do more than your share in relationships.

This blog is for you in either case. I’ll discuss the pluses and minuses of being that person and give you some thoughts about how you can capitalize on the pluses and put those minuses to rest.

By the way, I’m the oldest of eight children, so I have a little inside experience that will help.

Let’s start with the pluses.

Assets of a Good Caretaker


Children charged with adult responsibilities, such as taking care of siblings and sometimes their parents, learn how to manage and prioritize tasks to keep everything running smoothly.

They’re super managers!

For example, if your parents worked and you had siblings, you likely learned how to do laundry, clean, prepare food, babysit, and perform basic duties for your siblings, like feeding, dressing, bathing, and keeping them occupied.

My mom did all those things in my family, but there were so many younger ones that I learned to do them all, too. We were a tag team for much of the home and caretaking responsibilities.


Managing a home and caring for children simultaneously requires getting good at multi-tasking.

You don’t actually multi-task. Research has taught us that multi-tasking involves quickly shifting your attention from one thing to another and back again as needed.

However, a good caretaker knows how to arrange and organize things to get the most done possible within a particular time frame.

For example, you can keep an eye on the kids while folding laundry and watching something on the stove. It’s tricky, but practice pays off. Caretakers are pros at this. You can do it at the office too.


Caretaking requires you to keep your attention focused outward.

Because you’re responsible for many tasks and people, you must be aware of what’s happening around you most of the time.

With many hours of practice, you get very good at seeing the big picture, as would a director or manager, while also noticing details that matter. You become proficient at reading a room, perceiving the emotional temperature, and anticipating what everyone needs.

These skills are particularly enhanced if your parents relied on you emotionally. Some adult children are hyperaware of their parent’s feelings and needs.

Children with dominant or authoritarian parents may be especially tuned into other’s emotions. The same is true if your parent used you as a confidante and turned to you for emotional soothing and support.

The other issue is the single parent who is drowning and must rely more on the oldest child to help emotionally and logistically.

All these situations create emotional hypervigilance that carries into adulthood.


If you were raised with many people and had adult responsibilities as a child, you learned to be flexible, even if that’s not your natural temperament.

Dealing with and managing many personalities at once forces flexibility if you are to survive.

Despite schedules, priorities, and plans, changes pop up constantly and require you to pivot to manage them.

Learned flexibility in early life helps you ride the waves of adult life, and you can choose more deliberately what to get worked up over and what to let go of.

This doesn’t apply to everyone, but most early caretakers are flexible as adults.

Deficits of Becoming a Child Caretaker

Lack of Power

One of the standout deficits of being a child who performs as a caretaker is the conflict between having a lot of adult responsibility and little to no authority to make decisions, especially during adolescence.

This unnatural set of opposing drives can settle into your personality and show up repetitively in your adult life.

You might get into professions where you have a lot of responsibility and little decision-making power, or you might find yourself often working with domineering bosses who demand a lot of you without considering your needs.

The same can happen when choosing partners who demand extensive caretaking and give you little back.

It’s a known pattern that capable caretakers who have yet to learn to set boundaries attract people who want to be taken care of.

You’re a magnet for this person. And once they find you, they drain you.

They quickly learn how to guilt you into doing their bidding and take advantage of your skills. That’s one of the most significant downsides of being a child caretaker and bringing it into adulthood.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

As a child and adolescent, you don’t have choices about how many caretaking responsibilities you take on, but as an adult, you do.

You can set boundaries to avoid being taken advantage of, but it isn’t easy. Being a caretaker without authority has become part of your identity, even if your parents didn’t mistreat you or take great advantage of you.

It’s still a pattern that’s gelled and requires reworking. You feel guilty when you refuse to accommodate someone.

Doing It All

Accomplished caretakers sometimes find it difficult to allow people to help them.

After all, you’ve earned your badge by getting very good at what you do, and even if you complain about it, part of you likes being the only one who can get it all done.

The problem is you won’t allow others to participate even as you’re overwhelmed and worn out. You have a hard time delegating and letting go. You’re a one-person show.

Difficulty Expressing Your Needs

When you’re the caretaker, the attention is on others’ needs, not yours. Your needs are pushed down both from the outside by others and from the inside by yourself.

Let’s take a moment here to distinguish caretaking from competence. You can be highly skilled yet have no problems asserting your needs and accepting help, even as you give. That’s competence.

The difficulty for caretakers is that they’re great at giving but need help receiving. They’ve been conditioned to put their needs on the back burner. Expressing them seems foreign and feels awkward and selfish.

They’re used to being needed, not wanting for themselves. However, they may secretly build up a cache of resentment that occasionally explodes.

What to Do

We’ve touched on what to do when listing the minuses, but let’s summarize it more succinctly.

1. Recognize

You may know you’re a caretaker and may be unhappy with your role, but you still need to fully recognize how much your history is involved in placing you there. Review it thoughtfully. Write it out.

In what ways was your caretaking role developed, and how are you still playing it out in your current circumstances?

2. Assess

Now, assess where you need to make changes. What boundaries do you need to set?

This is tricky because people who rely on you will object when you begin making changes. You may need to go slowly and have many conversations to work this out.

However, if someone is unwilling to consider your needs, you may need to set more stringent or permanent boundaries.

3. Express

Begin getting used to expressing your needs and desires, especially with people who are integral to your life.

To do this, you will also have to give up being in charge of everything, which will be difficult for you.

The paradox is that by doing it all, you feel some control, even if you’re being taken advantage of. By sharing responsibility, you get more time to attend to other things but give up some control.

Part of this step is getting comfortable with not managing everything and allowing others to do their part their way. It takes time to get used to, but ultimately, the shift is in your best interest and those involved. Everyone benefits.

The Goal

The goal is to use the skills you gained as a young caretaker. They’re super skills, and you’re lucky to have developed them early.

The second part of the goal is to be competent without being used or taken advantage of and to share responsibilities in your relationships so that everyone gets their needs met and you enjoy more intimacy and teamwork. It’s a win-win!

That’s all for today!

Have a great week!

All my best,
