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An Easy Way to Stay on Top of Goals and Actually Get Stuff Done

There is simply too much to do, yes?

I’m guessing almost everyone can relate to that statement. So what have you tried to make it all work?

Have you tried planners, new organization programs, goal-setting, resolutions, even apps that are supposed to help? And then you got excited about the new program and started off with a an enthusiastic bang, only to lose your resolve when things started to pile up? Yeah, me too.

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How to Set Boundaries and Why You Should

It’s a weekday, about 8 or 9 in the evening. You’ve had a long day at work, or a long day with the kids, or both.

You’ve managed to get through the dinner hour. Everyone’s fed, dishes are done, kids are bathed and off to bed, and you’re finally able to relax.

You have this small space of time in the evening that’s yours, and you are soooo looking forward to it!

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6 Ways to Stop Late Night Worry

Have you noticed that anxiety seems to be more acute late at night?

It is. This is particularly true if you’re dealing with a problem that you haven’t found a way to resolve.

The truth is, anxiety is almost always worse late at night or in the early morning. Whatever bothers you during the day takes on a whole new life after you climb into bed, and then some.

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5 Ways to Shift Monday Morning Anxiety

Okay, so tell me if you’ve been here before . . .

I started my Monday morning off silently complaining to myself about all the stuff I had to do in the week ahead. Not enough time, too many intrusions, how will I ever get my blog writing done, work on my book, see clients I have scheduled, take care of my dogs, do house stuff, and on and on and on . . .

As I’m chugging coffee and letting my imagination build a giant case for a bad week, I realized what I was doing.

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Victim Consciousness: 6 Ways to Overcome It

Are you a victim?

Chances are you have been victimized at least once in your life if not many times. None of us can really escape that.

Some have had to endure extreme conditions or circumstances, and have been the victim of horrendous situations.

In my work I’ve talked to many people who’ve been severely abused or neglected, or who’ve been traumatized by great losses both personally and financially.

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10 Ways to Reconnect to Yourself

Sometimes everyone needs a reset. Life gets too crowded, energy pours out in every direction like a bad plumbing leak, problems abound, demands are high, and you are just worn out. This can leave you feeling depleted, overwhelmed, used up, fragmented, out of control, and discontent. These are signs that you have become disconnected from yourself. It’s time for a reset.

So the obvious question is ” What exactly is a reset?”

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The “Yes, But” Syndrome

A friend asks you for advice about a problem she’s having, and every suggestion or idea you offer is met with “Yes, but that won’t work for me because . . .”

You’ve had the experience? I’m sure you have. I think we all have. Sometimes it happens in a one on one situation with a friend or colleague, and sometimes in a bigger arena like at a meeting at work where there is a brainstorming session to help solve a problem, and the suggestions are shut down as fast as they come up.

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