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Blog Short #3: Your Inner Coach

Welcome to Monday Blog Shorts – ideas to make even Monday a good day! Every Monday I share a short article with you about a strategy you can use, or new facts or info that informs you, or a new idea that inspires you . My wish is to give you something to think about in the week ahead. Let’s dig in!

When you pursue a goal or try to achieve something, your success is dependent to a large degree on your inner coach. Your inner coach is the voice that orchestrates and facilitates what happens. That voice either encourages, inspires, and activates you, or it derails and discourages you, and brings you to a halt.

Although your success will depend to some degree on your process, it’s your inner coach that makes or breaks you, and often, you’re not even aware of what your inner coach is telling you or how it affects your trajectory.

Let’s review the effective inner coach versus the ineffective inner coach, and then it’s up to you to see where yours fits in, and make changes depending on what you find.

It’s always fun to start with the ineffective inner coach because most of us are quite familiar with this guy. Here’s what he’s like:

  1. He’s all about outcomes. The end goal is what’s important. It’s like football. You either score a touchdown or you don’t and there’s no in between. If you score, you’re a roaring success and if you don’t, you’re a dismal failure. It’s an all-or-nothing proposition.
  2. He doesn’t pay much attention to process. He doesn’t build skills, break things down in small components, take pleasure in small successes along the way, or feel good about incremental changes and improvements. He’s always focused on the end result and he exerts a lot of pressure to get there fast. Very fast!
  3. He maintains accountability through fear. He’s the coach on the sideline that appears to be frothing at the mouth while he’s in his player’s face screaming and yelling. He denigrates, demeans, personalizes, insults, criticizes, and intimidates. Sometimes he’s downright scary!

On the flip side, sometimes this inner coach is very permissive and doesn’t hold anyone accountable, including himself. He lets his players slide both on and off the field.

Sometimes he vacillates back and forth. One minute he’s overbearing, intimidating, hostile and critical, and the next he’s permissive, neglectful and not invested.

Now let’s look at our effective inner coach.

  1. This guy has the growth mindset. He works toward outcomes, but he’s more focused on growth and improvement. He values effort, meeting challenges and overcoming obstacles, evaluation and learning, and determination. Work ethic is more important than performance.
  2. He focuses on process and building systems for success. He’s concerned about the method to achieve a goal more than the achievement itself. He focuses on creating a system to accomplish small, doable tasks that lead to the larger goal. His focus is on strategies, scheduling, skill-building, discipline, and learning. He sees success as an outcome of adhering to systematic activity and consistent practice.
  3. He keeps his players accountable through support and firmness at the same time. He loves his players, values them, knows their talents and weaknesses and knows how to exploit the talents while working on the weaknesses. He’s firm, doesn’t allow inattentiveness, procrastination, or avoidance, but keeps his players accountable through encouragement and respect. He cheers them on, empathizes with them, and seeks to understand them and help them succeed.
  4. He never insults or makes personal attacks. His criticism is constructive and instructive, and is meant to help make improvements. He has the right balance between encouragement and setting limits. He doesn’t operate out of unbridled emotions or anger, but he also isn’t permissiveness.

If your inner coach is more like the first one, try these changes:

  • Use self-talk that appreciates, values, and is kind. Be your own cheerleader, just as you would with someone you were coaching. Have faith that you can reach the goals you are pursuing.
  • Be accountable to yourself also. Be firm without devaluation.
  • Phrases to avoid are:
    • I don’t deserve to succeed.
    • I suck at this.
    • I’m not good enough and I never will be.
    • I don’t know how to do anything right.
    • No one else has faith in me, so why should I.
    • It’s too hard. What was I thinking?
    • I’ve never had good models, so no wonder.
  • Take pleasure in every small step you take, and build on it. Use words of encouragement.
  • Measure progress by improvements and making small changes.
  • When you fall off the horse, get right back on. Stay determined, but allow for setbacks.
  • Use mistakes as learning experiences rather than failures. Affirm that:
    • You can handle challenges
    • Mistakes are unavoidable and actually help you succeed in the long run
    • You are valuable and deserve every opportunity available to you
    • You are a work in progress
    • You deserve respect from others as well as from yourself
    • Obstacles are just that. Things to work around. Challenges are normal and necessary.
    • What you don’t know, you can learn.
    • Help is available. Ask!

The bottom line is that a harsh, unforgiving inner coach will impede and maybe even sabotage your success. This voice also eats up a lot of emotional energy that drains you, saps your resolve, and makes you want to give up or give in.

In some cases, hanging on to the bad inner coach is a defense against meeting expectations and succeeding. If you beat yourself up enough, then you can feel vindicated in not succeeding. After all, you can just say to yourself, “I’m a screw up,” and be done with it.

I’d prefer Stuart Smalley’s inner voice which says:

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.”

If you’ve never heard of Stuart Smalley, look him up on YouTube and enjoy a clip from an old Saturday Night Live. The episode with Michael Jordan was the best and the funniest. Here’s the link if you wanna watch.

That’s it for this week! Have a great week, and keep that inner voice in check.

All my best,


Blog Short #2: Train your brain to handle unexpected stress.

Welcome to Monday Blog Shorts – ideas to make even Monday a good day! Every Monday I share a short article with you about a strategy you can use, or new facts or info that informs you, or a new idea that inspires you . My wish is to give you something to think about in the week ahead. Let’s dig in!

What do you do when something out of the ordinary happens like dropping a glass of milk that crashes all over the kitchen floor, or your engine light goes on while you’re driving, or you forget to bring the materials you need for the presentation you’re giving as soon as you get to work?

The first thing that usually happens is a reflexive reaction of “Arrgh!” (or something much stronger), followed by a thought train of resistance to the event. You think things like “I really can’t handle this today!”, or maybe “Well that’s a surprise isn’t it? Don’t things ALWAYS go wrong for me?”, or if you’re feeling fragile you might just burst into tears, or just go on an angry rant using the worst curse words you can think of.

I’ve done all these and then some, and likely you have too.

The real problem is not that something happened that you didn’t expect, but rather the emotional resistance you have to accepting it and getting on with it.

There’s something you can do to turn that resistance around, and it isn’t just thinking positive thoughts. It’s gaining some power over your mind and emotions by training yourself (and also your brain) to respond in a way that accepts the interruption and allows you to work with it rather than resist it.

Step #1:

The first thing to do if you have a moment (which you do even if you think you don’t), is to do one round of square breathing. You can get the handout for this here. Only takes a couple of minutes.

What this does is break up the fight or flight response by walking back the physiological stress you’re experiencing. As you go through the routine, you’ll get your heartbeat and breathing back under control, while also reducing tension in your body. This has the effect of calming your mind and getting some mental space. You become more present and can start to focus.

Step #2:

The second thing is to start a self-talk routine that you’ve set up ahead of time for these type situations. The self-talk uses a series of statements you’ve already created and use and reuse each time these situations occur. Here’s some I use:

Things happen. It’s normal. I can ride with it.

I don’t need to resist this, just deal with it.

I can handle this situation without going off the deep end.

I’ve got a good brain! I can solve this problem.

Just relax into it and shift to problem-solving.

By using your self-talk, you can make a shift from resisting the problem to figuring out how to solve the problem.

Step #3:

The third thing is to throw yourself completely into the resolution whatever it may be. To do this, move slowly and deliberately. Break it down in small steps if need be. Stay present.

For example, if you dropped a glass of milk on the floor, very deliberately begin the process of cleaning it up. Pick up the large pieces of glass first, then use paper towels to get up the liquid, then sweep up the rest of the glass, vacuum if you think you need to, and run a mop over it. Done!

Do each step with your full attention as if you’re in slow motion. DO NOT RUSH! It’s important to go slow. Watch yourself as you do it.

The deliberate observation and focus on each action will absorb your attention which will calm you. Paradoxically, you’ll actually get it done faster.

That’s it!

The more you use this 3-step method, the more you’ll train your brain and psyche to handle stressful situations without resistance and emotional reactivity. Eventually you won’t need to use square breathing and maybe even the self-talk because you’ve trained your brain to react calmly and effectively to adversity and challenge.

It feels good to get on top of it. Try it out!

See you next week!

All my best,


Blog Short #1: Be careful of the company you keep!

Welcome to Monday Blog Shorts – ideas to make even Monday a good day! Every Monday I share a short article with you about a strategy you can use, or new facts or info that informs you, or a new idea that inspires you . My wish is to give you something to think about in the week ahead. Let’s dig in!

This week’s blog short is about how others influence you, and why it’s important to be discriminating when choosing who you hang with on a regular basis.

Let’s approach this from the point of view of your brain, because knowing how this works neurologically helps you understand the scientific process of behavior influence. It has to do with something called mirror neurons.

Before I get into that, think about this:

You know that when you repeat an activity many times, you can eventually do it on autopilot. At first you have to exert a lot of effort, but over time you do it without thinking. Like driving.

This happens because the repetition creates neural paths in your brain that allow the activity to be remembered so that your motor responses happen without needing to focus or think too much about them.

What’s going on is that the neurons associated with the activity are firing together and a creating a mental pattern that your brain tucks away and keeps for you when need it. Like files on a hard drive.

Now for mirror neurons:

A mirror neuron is special in that it fires not only when you do something, but when you observe someone else doing something.

So if I see you pick up a comb to comb your hair, neurons fire in my brain in the same pattern as the ones firing in your brain to complete that action. You actually pick up the comb and run it through your hair, but my brain imitates the entire sequence in exactly the same pattern even though I didn’t touch the comb or comb my hair. Pretty amazing, huh?!

The caveat is that this only works if the action is intentional.

That means that if you just wave your hands around in the air for no particular reason, my mirror neurons won’t be activated. The action has to have an intention that I can perceive. When you pick up the comb, I can anticipate what you’re going to do with it and that perception activates my mirror neurons. As you comb your hair, I can feel that action.

Mirror neurons are the basis of imitation, as well as empathy.

You can perceive the other person’s intention, feelings and behavior, and you can imitate the neurological activity behind them in your brain. This is how babies learn to imitate the movements that Mommy makes when she plays with them, or smile when she smiles at them.

The Implications

There are many implications to the discovery of mirror neurons, but for today, let’s focus on what it means in terms of the company you keep.

Have you had the experience of picking up some of the mannerisms of your best friends, or a family member, or your partner? I’m sure you have. We all do it.

When you spend a lot of time with someone or a friend group, you adopt similar mannerisms, sayings, and more importantly, thought patterns and habits. We’re wired to connect, and imitation is a product of our brains connecting through mirror neurons.

When the company is good, meaning the habits, activities, thought patterns, and feelings states we imitate and pick up are in our best interest, then the connections are healthy and influence us for the better.

But, when the opposite is true – when the habits, activities, thought patterns, and feelings states are chronically negative – our mirror neurons work the same way to instill neural paths in our brains that increase the influence of those negative behaviors.

If you work in an office where gossip is heavy, and the group you work with often engages in criticism and behind the back judgments, you may find yourself automatically engaging in the same behavior even when it’s not really what you aspire to. The daily exposure of intentional gossip is picked up by your mirror neurons and installed if you’re not aware and careful about extricating yourself from engaging in that behavior. You might find yourself participating even when you’d rather not.

This is just one example. The point is that we all know that other people influence our behavior, but understanding that the influence is actually felt in our brains in such a way that our own neural pathways are infiltrated and installed is something else altogether! It’s powerful. This is why you need to choose your relationships and company carefully.

See you next week!

All my best,
